Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Greatest Investment

I am a parent and avid youth development professional.  At the age of 12 I committed myself to helping kids reach their fullest potential as I was equipped to assist.  Over the years I have seen children flourish beyond measure and I have seen many fall off their path to greatness and become another face in the crowd.

What makes a child push beyond mediocre to great?  In my years of observation it sometimes boils down to parental investment.  Yes I know there are the individuals with such a strong self will and determination to succeed that they will achieve their goals regardless of life's obstacles.  I've come to find that the extraordinary person mentioned previously doesn't represent the majority.  Many of the ordinary people doing extraordinary things are the product of someone's personal investment of time, money and talent.

Now I'm not saying that you have to fork over thousands of dollars, quit your job and become a slave to your child.  I am saying take the time, money and talent that you are blessed with and invest them in your child.  Invest kind words into your child.  If you have come across loving individuals willing to assist you by offering free sports, club memberships, performance lessons or even transportation, accept the help and do your part.  You can do your part by having your child ready on time, dropped off at a location, purchase a uniform when you can afford to.  The smallest of efforts speak volumes to your child about dedication, character and a silent statement which says, "I believe in you." 

Finally don't make excuses for mediocrity, don’t accept society's crutch.  There is always a way as long as there is a God.  I believe that we can do  ..."ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST" because he gives us strength.  When something seems to hard for you, pray and ask for strength, it will come.  The truly special things in life don't come without much effort and discomfort.  I believe that is why we appreciate them more, because we had to work to get them.  I'm speaking to my mothers now.  We know what it's like to conceive a child in pleasure, carry a child sometimes in discomfort and bring birth to that same beautiful child in indescribable pain.  We often love our children with a love that we can not explain and cherish them more than anything, that's the gift of hard work.

I encourage my single parents, dual parents, foster parents, grandparents raising kids and guardians everywhere to make the world a better place by investing in the future.  Take the time to believe in the dreams of the children placed in your care.  Read a book together, have a conversation, play sports in the yard or the park, go online and learn how to play an instrument for free, re-enact commercials to polish up acting skills.  Choose today to begin to look at the possibilities!  In the words of Thomas Edison, "Nothing is Impossible, If You Try!"

Have a great day!  God Loves You and Has an Awesome Plan for Your Life!

LMC Speaks....